by Steffen Härting
by Moritz Mercker
by Moritz Mercker
by Steffen Härting

Japanese-German Presidents' Conference

Thematic Group: Mathematics in Life Sciences, Material Sciences and Economy
Prof. Anna Marcniak-Czochra, University of Heidelberg
Prof. Willi Jäger, University of Heidelberg
Prof. Motoko Kotani, Tohoku University
Place: IWR, INF 368, room 520
Time: 31.07.2010, 9.00-15.00
Scientific computing with its core components mathematical modelling, analysis, simulation and optimisation, has developed into a key technology for understanding and mastering challenges in science and engineering. Problems as diverse as the design of smart materials, the understanding of the dynamics of normal and pathological development, control of tumour growth, regeneration and aging processes, the mechanisms governing human cardiovascular system, and the mechanisms of commodity and energy markets require strong cross-disciplinary efforts supported by mathematical and computational methods. Although the models describing such complex processes cannot be explicitely solved using purely analytical methods, such rigorous and comprehensive methods are needed for the model derivation, reduction of their complexity without loss of the signifficant information, correct numerical simulation and calibration based on the experimental data. Mathematical analysis may also provide a better insight into underlying processes, which due to their multiscale and nonlinear character cannot be explained by purely conceptual models.
The goals of the proposed collaboration between Japanese and German universities are development of innovative mathematical methods for the analysis and modelling of complex structures and processes, and fostering the application of these methods to challenging problems in biosciences, material sciences and economy.
Motoko Kotani, Tohoku University
Title: A mathematical challenge to a new phase of material science
Nobuaki Sugimine, Tohoku University
Title: Spectral gaps of 3-dimensional stochastic Ising models for low enough temperature
Masaki Kurokiba, Fukuoka University
Title: On a nonlinearly perturbed biological system
Willi Jäger, University of Heidelberg
Title: Multiscale-Systems and Complex Networks- Challenges to Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Anna Marciniak-Czochra, University of Heidelberg
Title: Mathematical modelling and analysis of the dynamics of structure formation in cell systems
Andres Chavarria-Krauser, University of Heidelberg
Title: Mathematical Modelling in Plant Sciences
Maria Neuss-Radu, University of Heidelberg
Title: Mathematical modelling for the interaction of reactive flow and biomechanics in cellular tissue
Other participants:
Hamid Reza-Noori, University of Heidelberg
Steffen Heinze, University of Heidelberg
Ina Kersten, University of Goettingen
Joanna Kawka, University of Heidelberg
Alexandra Köthe, University of Heidelberg
Moritz Mercker, University of Heidelberg